
Best Herbs to Increase Breastmilk Production


There are several herbs that work well to increase milk production.  You may be wondering which one is best for you!  Here is a brief summary - there is MUCH more information under Articles & Information and a more detailed and comprehensive one in the Premium Article section.  Here is a brief summary though:

Nursing Tea Moringa Blend or Tincture - its the same combination of herbs, just two different ways of taking it.  (What is a tincture, and how do you take it?)  This is a good product to choose as a first course of action, as its very easy to use, and very easy on baby's young tummy.  It will help increase milk production while helping to alleviate gas, colic, reflux or indigestion.

Goat's Rue - works to stimulate the mammary glands themselves, so it is a fantastic herb for women who have trouble with their milk supply right from the beginning.

Blessed Thistle - this digestive bitter is also a fantastic herb for increasing milk supply.  We've had a few women who Fenugreek has not worked for, and Blessed Thistle has done a fantastic job for them!

Fenugreek - one of the strongest herbs to increase milk production.  It must be used with consistency though, otherwise it can drop the supply if a dose is forgotten or the herb discontinued suddenly.  Much more information on this herb and how to use it correctly, and how to wean down off of it once your supply is where you want it to be can be seen here.  It works great and is one of the most popular herbs for increasing breastmilk production!

All of these herbs can be used together if needed and desired.  Please take a little time to read more about these herbs and other ways that are helpful in increasing breastmilk production!




I would highly recommend Herb Lore and www.herblore.com to anyone looking for a knowledgeable resource and supply place for herbal products.  I have very little knowledge when it comes to herbs, but as a midwife, I much prefer this natural alternative.  All of my questions and concerns were listened to - they were very patient and very helpful.  I now keep on hand their Labor TincturePlacenta Release Tincture, and the Hem Stopper Tincture.  At the very first birth I took these to, we waited for the placenta for quite some time.  I finally gave one dose of the Placenta Tincture and not ten minutes later, the placenta came - with no problems and no extra bleeding.  I have a lot of clients who refuse any kind of allopathic treatment, and I'm thrilled to have these herbal products on hand and Herb Lore as a knowledgeable resource for those cases when I really need the extra help!    Sharon - Colorado midwife