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Mastitis & Plugged Ducts

These were two unexpected and VERY unpleasant issues that began to creep up on me just 3 weeks after the birth of my daughter.  Actually it didn’t creep up at all – it actually happened very fast – one minute I was feeling fine and within a ½ hour, I was feeling horrible.  Like I had the worst flu of my life.  Fever, achiness – it seemed like there was pain everywhere.  And I had to take care of my new baby while I was feeling more horrible than I could ever remember feeling in my life. 

Finally we figured out that I had a breast infection – also known as mastitis.  I did the usual route of a round of antibiotics, which made me horribly sick to my stomach AND gave me and my baby thrush.  Talk about adding insult to injury!  I couldn’t figure out which was worse – the mastitis or how the antibiotics made me feel! 

To further add to that, I got mastitis AGAIN just a few weeks later!  WTH!! 

I talked to a brilliant lactation consultant friend of mine who told me about Lecithin, a vitamin/mineral type of supplement that helps to prevent plugged ducts (one of the most common causes of mastitis). 

I started taking that, and I used Poke Root this time around (I was unfamiliar with it the first time) and wow!  The Poke Root knocked the mastitis out by the next morning and with the use of the Lecithin, I never had another plugged duct or bout of mastitis again (and I breastfed my baby until she was 3 years old)!  Amazing, amazing stuff!  I have written about these two things extensively in several of my articles:

Poke Root Info

Mastitis    (All Access Membership required.  SIGN UP or LOG IN here.)

Plugged Ducts    (All Access Membership required.  SIGN UP or LOG IN here.)

Over-Production, Weaning or Stopping or Decreasing Milk Production    (All Access Membership required.  SIGN UP or LOG IN here.)

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