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Is it worth even TRYING to breastfeed your second baby?

Didn’t make enough breastmilk for your first baby?  Now you’re pregnant with your next one, or considering getting pregnant again?  Are you wondering if you should even try to breastfeed this next baby, considering how difficult or perhaps even impossible it was with your first one?  Let me give you some excellent news …  

The Lancet (a well-known and very well-respected medical journal) published a study of 22 mothers in which milk output was measured at 1 week and 4 weeks after giving birth to their first and second babies. Significantly more breast milk was produced at 1 week for the second baby than the first baby (an increase of 31%).  

Additionally, the increase was greatest for those who had the lowest milk output with their first baby.

The milk production increase was also evident at 4 weeks.

This is pretty good news, and definitely worth the try.  Based on their scientific findings, it does get easier the next time around also.  

The Lancet states ” Health professionals should encourage women to breastfeed all their children, whatever their experience with their first child.”  Here is a link to the Abstract of their study if you’d like to see it for yourself:

Additionally, there is more information within our website about herbs you can use to further support breastmilk production. This is found on our website under Resources –> Articles & Information.

There is also a more in-depth and detailed article about herbs and other measures successfully used for increasing breastmilk production can be found in our Membership Premium Articles area:

With all of the benefits that breastfeeding provides to both mom and baby, it is DEFINITELY worth giving it another try!