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Where Should I Start?

Pregnancy Tea or Pregnancy Tea Tincture

Ease the Quease Tincture – for morning sickness 
See this article for other ideas & info about morning sickness.  (All Access Membership required.  SIGN UP or LOGIN.)

Iron Tonic – helps correct anemia

Itch Soother Tincture – helps relieve PUPPS, cholestasis – itchy bellies & skin during pregnancy or postpartum

Booty Salve – for hemorrhoids. Customers say it works better than anything else they’ve ever tried, even for sore and bleeding hemorrhoids!

Cramp Bark/Black Haw – helps calm uterine contractions, including pre-term labor contractions and menstrual cramps.

Pregnancy Tea Plus Tincture – prepping for labor and birth.  For the last six weeks of pregnancy.

Alfalfa – this herb is a good source of Vitamin K, the blood-coagulating vitamin. Suggestions include starting supplementation six weeks before the due date to help prevent postpartum hemorrhage, even if there is history of it.

Click HERE for the entire list of herbs for pregnancy.

See the helpful Pregnancy Basics article.  (All Access Membership required.  SIGN UP or LOGIN.)

Labor Tincture – helps to start labor and perhaps avoid induction.

Postpartum Sitz Bath Herbs – soothes & heals the perineal area after birth.  This is one of our most popular products – a “must have” according to our customers!

After Birthing Ease Tincture – For afterpains, which can be even more painful than labor pains.  This one is also a must for moms having their second or subsequent babies.

Healing Salve – apply to baby’s bottom at each diaper change to provide easy and effortless removal of baby’s sticky first poops (meconium).

Click HERE for the complete list of herbs for your birth and immediate postpartum.

Healing Salve – Helps with the removal of sticky meconium, plus it helps heal diaper rash in record time. Keep a large jar by your changing table and a small one in your diaper bag.

Tummy Tincture  – Mom takes this and it passes to the baby via her breastmilk to help with baby’s gas, indigestion, colic or reflux. See our Premium Articles on Gas, Colic & Other Digestive Issues in Baby and Reflux for more info on how to help your baby’s tummy.  (All Access Membership required.  SIGN UP or LOGIN.) 

Teething Tincture – Babies can start teething at a very young age.  They will go through several bouts of teething before any little tooth shows itself and it can be very painful. This product helps alleviate pain and discomfort of teething and helps to soothe and comfort babies.

Click HERE for the entire list of herbs for babies and children.

IMPORTANT NOTE!!  Before you take any herbs for increasing milk production, wait to see if you actually have a problem with your production first! 

–  If you take herbs to increase or support your production when you’re already producing plenty of breastmilk, you will risk over-production and possibly plugged ducts or mastitis (certainly engorgement, which can be very painful & uncomfortable).

–  It is also NOT advised that you take herbs to increase milk production during pregnancy or during the first 3 days postpartum so that you don’t bring the milk in too early.  The colostrum period during the first 3 days postpartum is critical for baby’s life-long digestive health, so wait until day 3, when the milk typically comes in, to see if you even have a problem. 

– As far as taking herbs during pregnancy to ensure a good milk supply after giving birth, please note this.  Herbs for increasing breastmilk production tend to work within 3 hours or so (generally speaking – within 12-24 hours at the most) after taking them, so taking herbs during pregnancy will do nothing to help you with your milk supply after you give birth

For example, taking an herb to increase milk production on Wednesday will not help your supply the following Friday, much less several weeks or months away. 

These herbs work within 12-24 hours at the most, so taking herbs for milk production during pregnancy is a waste of money and could risk bringing milk in too early for some women. 

Having good nutrition and using products like Pregnancy TeaPregnancy Tea Tincture and Pregnancy Tea Plus Tincture (for use during the last six weeks of pregnancy) is the best course of action for feeding your body so that it has what it needs to produce an adequate milk supply.

– Every pregnancy and breastfeeding experience can be very different.  If you do not have a problem with milk production, nothing needs to be taken or done.  (If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!) 

If you find that you do indeed have a problem with your production, then the following products will help:

  • Nursing Tea or Nursing Tincture – This is a very effective and gentle product to help increase milk production.  Many mothers of twins use this and nothing else and make plenty of breastmilk for both babies.  This product is recommended to try as a first option, especially with newborns, as it is very gentle on baby’s tummy while being very effective.  The tincture is the most convenient way of using this product, as nothing needs to be brewed or prepared by you.
  • Blessed Thistle – a very popular herb used to increase milk production.  Many clients find this works when other herbs, such as Fenugreek, aren’t providing expected results. It’s also a digestive bitter so would be good for balancing the digestive system.
  • Goat’s Rue – one of the best herbs for increasing breastmilk production.  Its a good choice for women who have trouble with their milk production right from the start.
  • Moringa – considered a superfood, it’s an herb of choice by lactation consultants for increasing breastmilk production.  See its impressive list of health benefits HERE.  (Do not use if trying to conceive as Moringa can prevent egg implantation.)
  • Shatavari – helps to increase vital fluids in the body, breastmilk included.  Considered an “herbal domperidone”.  Click HERE for more info on this herb.  It’s also beneficial for men and their reproductive health. This is a great herb of choice for women who DO wish to conceive while still breastfeeding, as it helps to balance and nourish the reproductive system, preparing for conception.  This herb also helps to balance hormones and increase libido. It is safe to use during pregnancy.
  • Fenugreek – Fenugreek is one of the best herbs for increasing milk production.  It works very well, but it must be used with consistency for best results.  See info here for detailed info on this herb and how to use it correctly.  Using it in a combination product or incorrectly can result in an up-and-down milk production or even a decrease in production.

All of these things can be used together if desired.  It may take some experimentation initially to find the right herbs or the right combination of herbs and dosage amounts that work for you.  

The only rule is to not stop or decrease Fenugreek suddenly as it could drop your supply. However, if your baby is in great distress with gas, diarrhea or other tummy disturbance related to Fenugreek, the benefits of stopping the herb outweigh the risks of it potentially dropping your supply. You can use the Fennel Tincture, Nursing Tea, or Nursing Tincture instead which will help to alleviate the tummy issues while keeping your milk supply abundant.

Don’t give up if something doesn’t work like you wanted it to – try something else or try changing your dosage amounts!  Many lactation consultants recommend using an herb for at least two weeks before trying something else.  Use your intuition though – you know your body better than anyone.  If you feel it’s not helping, try another option.

Click here for an overview of the various herbs used to increase your breastmilk production.  (free for public viewing)

Click here for a more in-depth and comprehensive article on ways to increase breastmilk production.  (All Access Membership required.  SIGN UP or LOGIN.)

Poke Root will usually knock out mastitis or help alleviate plugged ducts within 24 hours, even severe cases. Read detailed info here.  

– If too much milk is the reason for your plugged ducts or mastitis, you may consider using some Sage Tincture to help decrease your milk supply.

– If over-production is a problem for you, do NOT take any lactation teas, tinctures, or herbs to support or increase your breastmilk production! This will only make your problem worse.

DO NOT take lactation herbs (also known as galactagogues) unless you need to increase your production.  If you use these herbs when they’re not needed, you may put yourself at risk for over-production and the problems associated with that.

– If the plugged ducts or mastitis have caused you to lose some of your production, try Nursing Tea or Nursing Tincture first, then add some MoringaBlessed Thistle, Goat’s Rue, Shatavari or Fenugreek if necessary. More about all of these herbs and how to use them can be found HERE.

– If you have chronic plugged ducts or mastitis, add Lecithin.  Details about Lecitin and how to prevent and correct plugged ducts and mastitis can be seen on our Premium Articles Plugged Ducts and Mastitis. (All Access Membership required.  SIGN UP or LOGIN.)

Sage Tincture (click here for more info on how to use this herb)

Hem Stopper Tincture – helps stop excessive bleeding after birth.

Cramp Bark/Black Haw – stops pre-term labor contractions.  Helpful for threatened miscarriage.

Dandelion & Nettle – for edema & swelling during pregnancy. Also may help alleviate symptoms of pre-eclampsia.  (See our Premium Article on Calcium & Magnesium for more interesting information on how Cal/Mag can help prevent pre-eclampsia.)

Iron Tonic Tincture – helps correct anemia quickly, and will NOT constipate.  Formulated specifically for use by pregnant women.

Itch Soother Tincture – helps alleviate the discomfort and itching of PUPPS and Cholestasis.  This combination has worked even in severe cases, preventing the need for induction in most cases.

Labor Tincture – helps encourage labor, re-start a stalled labor or for an incomplete miscarriage. 

Lobelia – helps in cases of rigid cervix, cervical lip, or cervical rim during late stages of labor.

Placenta Release Tincture – for helping to expel the placenta, for retained placentas.  This is a favorite product of Robin Lim of Bumi Sehat.

Poke Root – will help clear mastitis usually within 24 hours, without the need for antibiotics.

Pregnancy Tea Plus Tincture – a pregnancy tea tincture specifically for the last six weeks of pregnancy.  Midwives report that it dramatically cuts down on their transport rates.

Res-Q Blend – this is great for helping get moms through transition.  Calms, soothes, grounds & centers.

Click here for a complete list of items of interest to midwives or birth practitioners.

Concerned about what you can do for the cold & flu season?  This article will give you some basic information on herbs used for colds & flu, what is safe and what is not for pregnant and breastfeeding moms.
Herbs for the Cold & Flu Season  (free for public viewing)

And this more complete, detailed and comprehensive article will address fevers, ear infections, eye infections, yeast infections and important information on antibiotic use.  
Immune System Herbs & Solutions  (All Access Membership required.  SIGN UP or LOGIN.)

In order of strength:

Read more about each of these products and how to use them HERE, along with information on:

  • Happy Day Tincture – for depression.  Safe for use by anyone, including pregnant women, postpartum women, children and those on anti-depressant medications. Long-term daily use brings best results.
  • Anxia-T Ease Tincture – for stress, nervousness and anxiety.  Works within moments.
  • Adrenal Tonic Tincture – helps one to cope with and adapt to stress, for adrenal exhaustion, chronic stress, and burn-out. This one also provides best results with long-term, daily use.

Click here for answers to these questions and more!

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