Herb Lore buys its herbs from Certified Organic herb farms or from qualified brokers who buy from Certified Organic farms. They grow the herbs, harvest them at the peak of their potency, dry them, and then ship them directly to us to be made into the high-quality products that we offer to you.
Wildcrafted means that the herb has been harvested from the wild. It is grown without the use of any pesticides, fertilizers or chemicals of any kind, and has been ethically harvested.
A tincture is a liquid extract made from the herb. Tinctures are extracted in either alcohol, vegetable glycerine or apple cider vinegar. Alcohol extracts more completely and has an unlimited shelf life. Some herbs will not give up their medicinal properties to a solvent less potent than alcohol. Alcohol-based tinctures are safe for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women, as the amount of alcohol ingested per dose is the equivalent of eating a very ripe banana. They are not recommended for children, mostly because they will hate the taste!
Vegetable glycerine tinctures, which are alcohol-free, have a 3-5 year shelf life, and are a bit less potent than alcohol-based tinctures (depending on the herb used – for some herbs the potency will be the same). They are a great choice for children or those who simply prefer a non-alcohol tincture.
Apple cider vinegar tinctures have the shortest shelf life, and again, are not as potent as the alcohol-based tinctures. However, apple cider vinegar has some great health-promoting benefits of its own, giving these tinctures a double benefit. They make great salad dressings too!
Herb Lore offers tinctures only in alcohol and vegetable glycerine bases. Click here for more information on tinctures, how to take them, safety of use for pregnant and nursing moms, and why a “dropperful” doesn’t completely fill the glass tube.
There are different ways of taking a tincture which depends on the type of tincture being used as well as the reason for use. For example, for nutritive (also known as tonic) herbal tinctures, one would want to use these on a daily basis – typically two droppersful (or squeezes – it will NOT fill the entire glass tube) 2-3 times a day. These types of herbs are like multi-vitamins – they take time to accumulate in the body and provide results. You wouldn’t expect overnight results by taking a multi-vitamin only once or twice – the same principle goes for a nutritive, tonic herb. At this rate, you can expect a 1oz tincture to last 1 week; a 2oz tincture to last 2 weeks; and a 4oz tincture to last a month.
For herbs that you take only once in a while, such as an herb for sleep or relaxation or to calm uterine cramps for example, your tinctures will last you a longer time, as you are not using them several times, each and every day. The length of time each size tincture will last depends on how frequently one uses it. As a ballpark figure, each ounce of tincture contains approximately 42 droppersful (i.e. 1oz = 42 droppersful, 2oz = 84 droppersful, and 4oz = 168 droppersful). Click here for more on what a dropperful is and why it does not fill the entire glass tube.
There are many plants, trees and herbs in the world that are very safe and gentle, and there are others that are poisonous, some that are harmful in large amounts, or others that should not be used by individuals with certain health conditions. It is recommended that you educate yourself on which plants/herbs/trees are safe for use and which should be avoided, or consult a botanist or herbalist who can safely guide you.
We at Herb Lore are always happy to answer any questions you may have on the safety of an herb or product you’re interested in, whether you’re pregnant, nursing or if it’s for your baby. We will provide herb safety information to the best of our ability and knowledge. For a list of herbs to avoid during pregnancy and lactation, click here.
For herbs that you take only once in a while, such as an herb for sleep or relaxation or to calm uterine cramps for example, your tinctures will last you a longer time, as you are not using them several times, each and every day. The length of time each size tincture will last depends on how frequently one uses it. As a ballpark figure, each ounce of tincture contains approximately 42 droppersful (i.e. 1oz = 42 droppersful, 2oz = 84 droppersful, and 4oz = 168 droppersful). Click here for more on what a dropperful is and why it does not fill the entire glass tube.
Some can, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have in regard to this, as we feel that it is of utmost importance.
Any product that we have that may interact negatively with a pharmaceutical drug or that should be avoided with certain health conditions will be listed on our product label or in the product’s description to the best of our ability and knowledge. We strive to be as thorough and complete as we can.
If in doubt about any product, we invite you to contact the office, and we will be glad to help you.
Be sure when you consult with any herbalist or other health care provider that you fully inform them of any medications you are taking, or of any health issues you are experiencing. We urge you to be a responsible party in your own health care by fully informing anyone who is giving you products or health advice of these important pieces of information. Not all companies are as diligent as Herb Lore in providing information or cautionary notes on its product labels.
There are a number of ways to use herbs, both internally and externally. Herbs can be taken internally as a tea, a tincture, in capsules, as an enema (always use lukewarm/warm water in an enema – never administer an enema cold), or as a suppository.
Herbs can be applied externally in an herbal oil, salve, poultice, compress, in a bath soak or as a foot soak. (Some of the old herbalists from centuries past administered herbs to their clients in footbaths only. As strange as this sounds, the herbs were absorbed into the system surprisingly well and they got great results!)
Yes, children and animals respond extremely well to herbal remedies. We have a whole section on this website dedicated to children and baby’s health.
Animals have different considerations than humans do, and we recommend that you contact a specialist or refer to a reliable holistic vet when using herbal remedies for animals. Cats, for example, have very sensitive livers, and what can be very benign to us humans can be quite poisonous or even deadly to an animal. Check with your veterinarian before giving any herbs, supplements or medications to your pets.
Flower Essences are a system of healing that addresses the underlying emotional cause of disease or illness. They work on the spiritual and emotional body like herbs work on the physical body.
Flower Essences look like water and taste like water, but they subtly help you balance and move through negative emotions that may be causing or contributing to a health problem.
Dr. Bach, the creator of the Bach flower Essences, said “that you can treat the symptoms of a disease, but unless you address the underlying cause, the disease would never truly be healed.” Dr. Bach was led to certain wild flowers from which he created his essences that could “flood the soul with a beautiful, positive attitude, and diseases then melted like snow in the sunshine”. When you heal the underlying emotion, the symptoms (the disease or illness) automatically will disappear.
You may find that prices on some of our herbal products may be higher than some of our competitors. We refuse to purchase cheaper and lower quality herbs that may be old and ineffective, or worse yet, that may have been contaminated, have undergone unhygienic drying conditions or chemical radiation or fumigation. We buy only from high-quality, Certified Organic herb farms that specialize in growing, drying and processing clean, unadulterated herbs. We are very pleased with their quality and offer them to you happily, with confidence and with pride!
As well, we must adhere to very strict practices and sourcing of herbs and other ingredients in order to comply with our Organic Certification. These are not cheap, and require annual inspections to prove that we maintain our required manufacturing practices and sourcing for the herbs needed for being Certified Organic. This can be a costly process but it also produces extremely high quality herbal products and are very worth it.
We also do not mass-produce our herbal products. We have a 5500 sq. foot manufacturing space in which we personally make all of our products in small batches frequently, to ensure the freshness and quality of each product. Great personal care goes into making sure each of our products are the best and highest quality possible.
No, all of our products are vegetarian except for the beeswax used in our salves. The beeswax is also Certified Organic and harvested ethically. Our products contain no animal products other than the beeswax, and have NOT been – and never will be – tested on any animals.
Herbs (including your cooking spices) should be stored in a cool, dark cupboard away from heat sources (like above your stove). Heat and sunlight will destroy an herb’s freshness in a fairly short amount of time. Please see our Article Storage of Your Herbal Products for detailed information.
You can tell a lot about an herb’s freshness by using your senses. Does it look green and lively? Does it smell fresh and alive? Can you sense the life in it? Make a cup of tea from it. How does it make you feel? If an herb is brown and lifeless and has no distinct aroma, the quality is poor and it probably won’t be of much benefit to you. Please see Pam’s blog post for more on this subject.
A lot of children enjoy the taste of herbs. They may not have a problem with this at all. Also, the non-alcohol tinctures, which are made from Certified Organic vegetable glycerine and distilled water, are rather sweet and children usually like them very much.
Please see this information on What Sets Us Apart for more information on the Certified Organic vegetable glycerine that we use and any allergy concerns.
We have also noticed that if their little bodies are in need of an herb’s particular quality, that they will readily take it and will want to have it – almost craving it. It is common for children to ask for an herb that they are needing.
But if you do run into a problem and they are reluctant to take it, you can add the herb to juice, a smoothie or something that will mask the taste. If you choose to add honey to an herb to make it more palatable, please note that it is NOT safe to give honey to a baby under one (1) year of age.
Our Children’s Dosage Guide provides dosage recommendations for children based on age, weight and the type of herbal remedy being given.
You may purchase Herb Lore products online or at one of our many retail outlets. We have several retail locations currently and are adding additional locations all the time. (Since updating our website, many of our retailers haven’t re-added their information but we’re working on it!) 🙂
Please see our list of retail outlets for the most current listings of stores or locations carrying Herb Lore products.
If you have a favorite store that you like to patronize and would like to be able to purchase your Herb Lore products there, speak to the herb buyer at the store and then contact us with their information. We will be happy to follow up and see if we can make that happen for you!