Itch Soother Tincture

Helps alleviate itching, including pregnancy and postpartum itching of the skin.

Nursing Mother's Liver Tonic

These herbs have traditionally and successfully been used as gentle liver cleansers, and are all safe for use while breastfeeding.

Pregnant Mother's Liver Tonic

Gently helps detox the liver. Formulated specifically for pregnant and trying-to-become pregnant mothers. May help prevent morning sickness, especially when used prior to conception.

Yellow Dock Root

Yellow Dock Root is one of the best sources of naturally available iron. It concentrates iron from the earth and combines it with the vitamins and minerals needed for the best absorption in our bodies. According to Susun Weed, rises in the hematocrit (a measure of iron in our blood) of as much as a point a week are reported by women taking this iron tonic during pregnancy and after hemorrhage. And unlike prescription or synthetic forms of iron, Yellow Dock is not constipating. As a matter of fact, it's gentle stool softening properties gently help to relieve constipation. It is a wonderful liver detoxifier, blood cleanser, and is helpful in clearing chronic skin problems. 


I just wanted to let you know that I received my Poke Root today.  I took my 2 drops at around 3:00 and I can't believe the difference it's made!  It's 10:45, and already my breast isn't as sore as it has been. I am able to raise my arm up over my head and I was able to nurse my baby with much less pain!  I can't believe how well this works!  Why doesn't every mother know about it?  L.M.