The thyroid is a gland located in the base of the neck. It secretes a hormone that controls metabolic activity in the body – it acts as the body’s thermostat and regulator. It is one of the glands that make up the endocrine system, along with the adrenals, the ovaries, the pituitary and the thymus. When one gland becomes stressed or compromised, it can affect or “drag down” the others along with it. Learn what common causes of thyroid imbalance are, what symptoms may indicate that you may have an imbalance (including infertility, low libido, fatigue, weight gain or loss, hormonal imbalance, aches & pains, among several others. The article also includes natural at-home tests to see if you might have compromised thyroid function, and natural solutions to help regain balance. (To read the entire article, please Login or Subscribe.)