Hem Stopper

Used to help staunch bleeding after a birth.

Hem Stopper Tincture (formerly Anti-Hemorrhage Tincture)

Herb Lore’s Hem Stopper Tincture is used to help staunch bleeding after a birth.  It’s best used immediately after the birth (and after the birth of the placenta), and as long as the bleeding or risk of bleeding continues.  If the placenta has not been birthed yet and is the cause for bleeding, the Placenta Release Tincture is then recommended.

Pregnancy Tea & Pregnancy Tea Plus

Herb Lore's Pregnancy Tea and Pregnancy Tea Plus are healthful and refreshing herbal combinations that are supportive and toning to the entire system before, during and after pregnancy. The regular Pregnancy Tea may be used throughout the entire pregnancy, and because of its high vitamin and mineral content, achieves its best results when used on a long-term, daily basis. Pregnancy Tea Plus is similar to Pregnancy Tea, with the addition of Partridge Berry, a late-pregnancy tonic which further helps to strengthen and nourish the uterus, preparing it for the upcoming work of labor and birth. Because this herb has some very slight oxytocic properties to it (meaning it has the potential to start uterine contractions, although it's not likely), it's recommended for use during the last six weeks of pregnancy only.  (The regular Pregnancy Tea may be taken throughout the entire pregnancy however.)

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

A pregnant mother's best friend! It is highly nutritive and has a special affinity for the uterus, helping to tone, strengthen and bring over-all health and vitality to the uterus.

Yellow Dock Root

Yellow Dock Root is one of the best sources of naturally available iron. It concentrates iron from the earth and combines it with the vitamins and minerals needed for the best absorption in our bodies. According to Susun Weed, rises in the hematocrit (a measure of iron in our blood) of as much as a point a week are reported by women taking this iron tonic during pregnancy and after hemorrhage. And unlike prescription or synthetic forms of iron, Yellow Dock is not constipating. As a matter of fact, it's gentle stool softening properties gently help to relieve constipation. It is a wonderful liver detoxifier, blood cleanser, and is helpful in clearing chronic skin problems. 


When I was pregnant with my 7 year old, I used Floradix and it worked, but I had to take it more times and for longer. When I was pregnant with my twins 3-1/2 years ago, I took the Iron Tonic Tincture instead, and I felt better faster. I gave it to my boy twin when he was 1, and to his older brother who at the time was 5.  Two years later, I'm ready to give it to my 7 yr old knowing how effective it was with him. It is the most efficient iron supplement I've ever used!  F. E.