
Anxiousness, Mood, and Stress

There are various and very individual reasons for feeling blue, experiencing stress, emotional struggles, and anxiousness.  Some are more "world-oriented", meaning that living in this day and age is just downright too fast, too stressful and very nerve-wracking, which can lead to these feelings.  Other reasons can be more personal and individual in nature.  As someone who has benefited greatly from therapy, this is what I of course would recommend first and foremost, but there are also herbal allies that can effectively help support you and your nervous system.

Galactagogues - Herbs that Increase Breastmilk Production

A galactagogue is an herb that is used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers. Below is a list of some of the more effective and popular herbs and some important information about each.  For a list of the products that Herb Lore offers that include these herbs, information about which one is appropriate for your situation, and helpful dosage information, please click HERE.

Happy Day Tincture

This is a formula that may be used to help people dealing with depression, including pregnancy depression, Postpartum Depression (PPD), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or any kind of depression.

Happy Day Tincture - a natural solution for depression

There has been much in the news lately about the risks of antidepressant use during pregnancy, being linked to autism and birth defects.  Researchers in JAMA Pediatrics reported that "children of women who took anti-depressants during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy were 87% more likely to develop autism than kids born to women who didn't take the drugs." 


There has been much in the news lately about the risks of anti-depressant use during pregnancy, being linked to autism and birth defects.  Researchers in JAMA Pediatrics reported that "children of women who took anti-depressants during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy were 87% more likely to develop autism than kids born to women who didn't take the drugs." (Sources: http://www.aol.com/article/2015/12/14/antidepressants-in-pregnancy-tied-...

Really, any pharmaceutical medication comes with side effects and many are not safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding.  But there are natural alternatives.

Navigating Long Term Isolation - How to Cope and What to Expect Week by Week

I'd like to present an excellent piece of information written by a Grief Counselor who I have great respect for.  She has some helpful tips for us while we're experiencing the recent Stay at Home order. She puts words to the feelings, emotions, and frustrations that may be coming up for you to help you to comprend and understand them - and in turn, to help you deal with them and move through it.  She also gives a week-by-week timeline of what to expect and how to cope. She begins....

Having spent most of my adult life in isolation with my daughter who was born without an immune system, surviving the emerging HIV/AIDS epidemic with infected patients all around us... I have learned a few things about medical crises and surviving long-term isolation:

Rescue Remedy List & Descriptions

The following Flower Essences are included in the Rescue Remedy combination.   The following is a list of each of their meanings and how they can be of help to you:

Shatavari Tincture

The 1oz regular and 1oz non-alcohol tinctures are being eliminated and on clearance at 30% off under the coupon code CLEARANCE  (This sale does not apply to wholesale customers.)  

An Ayurvedic herb used to tone and nourish the male and female reproductive systems, aiding in fertility and conception.  It's also noted as one of the best herbs to increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers, making it a good choice for nursing moms wishing to conceive again.


Hi Pam. I am a midwife and I use the Labor Tincture.  It SO ROCKS!!   I have a friend who has trouble sleeping..... she says her own thinking keeps her awake.... do you have an herbal sleep helper?  I told her I would ask you because I was SO HAPPY with the Labor Tincture that you make...  (Yes, we do!  Goodnight Combo Tincture and Goodnight Lite!)  Thank you for your herbal skills... S.S.,  LM, CPM