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Happy Day Tincture – a natural solution for depression

There has been much in the news about the risks of antidepressant use during pregnancy being linked to autism and birth defects.  Researchers in JAMA Pediatrics reported that “children of women who took anti-depressants during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy were 87% more likely to develop autism than kids born to women who didn’t take the drugs.” 


Really, any pharmaceutical medication comes with side effects and many are not safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding.  But there are natural alternatives.

In response to several of our clients asking for something natural and safe for their depression, who were either pregnant or breastfeeding, we have created a product called Happy Day Tincture.  It’s used to help people dealing with depression, including pregnancy depression, Postpartum Depression (PPD), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or any kind of depression, sorrow or sadness.     

Happy Day Tincture contains:

– Rose Tincture made with Organic Rose blossom extracted in organic grape alcohol.  Rose is noted for its helpfulness in alleviating depression, sadness, anxiety and sorrow.  It is high in vitamins and minerals, which is also helpful, as many people suffering from depression tend to be low in B vitamins in particular.  Rose is also high in Vitamin C. 

– A proprietary blend of flower essences of Elm, Gentian, Gorse, Larch, Mustard, Sweet Chestnut, and Wild Rose.  Each of these is noted in its ability to gently and effectively lift and alleviate feelings of depression. Each of these essences are known for addressing depression in its various forms and stemming from various causes.  Flower Essences work on the emotional body, whereas herbs work on the physical body.  

–   The following gem/crystal essences are included.  All are noted noted for their uplifting attributes, ability to encourage feelings of joy and happiness, and helps one to feel more optimistic in life. Gems and crystals have gentle, but powerful, healing properties and have been used over milleniums for healing purposes. Gem (or crystal) essences also work on the emotional and spiritual body, which in turn, has an affect on the physical body. 

  • Lepidolite
  • Unakite Jasper
  • Red Jasper
  • Crazy Lace Agate
  • Red Tiger Eye
  • Pink Opal
  • Rhodonite
  • Larimar
  • Aventurine
  • Selenite
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Quartz

Addressing the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of a person tends to result in a more complete and long-lasting result.  It has been described as bringing Light into the Soul. 

NOTE:  Rose is a Class 1 herb, meaning that its considered safe for use by anyone including pregnant or breastfeeding women (unless they have an individual allergy to it of course).  It has no listed contraindications, side effects or drug interactions, even with SSRI’s or anti-depressant medications (unlike St. John’s Wort, which IS contraindicated for use by those on SSRI’s. St. John’s Wort is also contraindicated for use by pregnant women.).  

The other items in the product are all vibrational – meaning that they contain the vibration or essence of the flower or crystal only.  This may seem “light-weight”, but although they are subtle, they are extremely effective.   

As many flower and gem essences are contained in this blend and these do take a little time to work, it is recommended to use consistently for several weeks for best results. 

NOTE: a 2oz bottle will last two weeks, and a 4oz bottle will last one month and is the best cost value.  The longer you take this product, the better it will work for you.

FURTHER NOTE: We are not able to make a non-alcohol version of this product as the flower essences used in it come in an alcohol base only, which is necessary in order to preserve their subtle properties.  Without a preservative of alcohol, the flower essence would dissipate and become inactive within a month. Also, if there is any alcohol in a product, even one drop, it cannot be called “non-alcohol”. 

Alcohol-based tinctures are safe for use by both pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, as the amount of alcohol ingested per dose is the equivalent of eating a very ripe banana.  Click HERE to see more info on tincture safety and use by pregnant and nursing mothers.    

Although Happy Day Tincture can be used by anyone, this product was created with pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding moms in mind.  

written by Pam Caldwell
Certified Herbalist — Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum & Lactation Specialist