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Res-Q Blend- List of essences and description

The following Flower Essences are included in the Res-Q Blend combination.   The following is a list of each of their meanings and how they can be of help to you:

Aspen – keyword is Vague Fears of Unknown Origin. This essence helps to alleviate fears of an unknown origin, anxiety and apprehension. Helps to alleviate fears of darkness, death, and thoughts of disaster. Helps to calm these fears allowing them to be released.

Cherry Plum – key word is Giving Way. For intense feelings of inner tension and fear of losing control. For those who feel on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Helps bring courage, calmness, strength and the ability to relax.

Impatiens – keyword is Patience. Helps with feelings of frustration, impatience, irritability and mental tension. Helps one become more relaxed, patient, tolerant and gentle towards shortcomings of others and upsetting situations.

Mimulus – keyword is Fear of Known Things. This essence is for fear of known things, such as heights, the dark, illness, death, poverty, fear of people, animals, speaking in public, or being alone. Helps to bring courage and emotional stability bringing the ability to enjoy life once again.

Rock Rose – keyword is Bravery. For feelings of deep fear, panic and fear of death. Helps bring strength, courage to face life and bravery.

Star of Bethlehem – key word is New Vitality. For sadness, sorrow, and lack of energy due to a trauma or shock. Helps neutralize shock and the effects of shock or trauma, whether the effects are immediate or delayed. It is the comforter and soother of pains and sorrows.

Vervain – keyword is Tenseness and Hyper-Anxiety. This essence is for extreme anxiety, hopelessness and mental despair. For those who feel that they just can’t take any more. Helps to bring strength, courage, resilience, and helps to alleviate and calm these feelings, bringing one into better emotional control.

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written by Pam Caldwell
Certified Herbalist — Fertility,