
Flower Essences (and Rescue Remedy)

In the late 1920's, Dr. Edward Bach, a renowned British scientist and physician, observed that his patients' healing and well-being were directly influenced by their state of mind and emotional health. He noticed that the personality, attitude and present outlook of a patient had a great deal to do with their being cured or remaining sick. He understood that "the personality of the individual is of even more importance than the body in the treatment of disease". He realized that, instead of treating the patient as a body with an illness, the patient needed to be treated like an individual. "Treat the patient, not the disease."

How to Increase Your Breastmilk Supply - The Summarized Version

What are the main herbs for increasing milk production?  There are many to choose from, such as Nursing Tea Moringa Blend, Nursing Tincture Moringa Blend, Goat's Rue, Moringa Leaf, ShatavariBlessed Thistle, and Fenugreek. How do I choose which is the right one for my situation?  How do I use them correctly for best results?

Nursing Tea Moringa Blend

This tea is on clearance at 30% off under the coupon code CLEARANCE . We're moving to a new white bag and must clear out the current gold bag packaging.  (This sale does not apply to wholesale customers.)  

May help to increase breastmilk production while helping to ease gas or colic. Great choice for mothers with newborns, or babies with gas or sensitive tummies.

Nursing Tincture Moringa Blend

May help to increase breastmilk production while helping to ease gas or colic. Great choice for mothers with newborns, or babies with gas or sensitive tummies in the convenient liquid-extract tincture form.

Rescue Remedy List & Descriptions

The following Flower Essences are included in the Rescue Remedy combination.   The following is a list of each of their meanings and how they can be of help to you:


When I was pregnant with my 7 year old, I used Floradix and it worked, but I had to take it more times and for longer. When I was pregnant with my twins 3-1/2 years ago, I took the Iron Tonic Tincture instead, and I felt better faster. I gave it to my boy twin when he was 1, and to his older brother who at the time was 5.  Two years later, I'm ready to give it to my 7 yr old knowing how effective it was with him. It is the most efficient iron supplement I've ever used!  F. E.