Highest Quality Products
To provide the freshest, highest quality Certified Organic herbal products for pregnant, trying to become pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and their families.
Excellence in Customer Service
To provide the highest level of excellence in every area of our customer service. We strive to get your order out the day its placed, as we know time is usually of the essence to our clients. We operate with an extremely high level of integrity and do all that we can to maintain our customer’s happiness, success, and satisfaction.
Education and Information
To provide information for our clients so that they know what is most appropriate for their situation, what is safe and what should be avoided, about any drug or herb interactions and any contraindications that may exist, and to know when and how to use an herb or herbal product. We feel it’s of utmost importance that clients know what they’re using and how to use it correctly.

Important fact: Many herbalists have extensive knowledge about using herbs, but not many are specifically trained in using herbs with pregnant, trying-to-conceive or breastfeeding mothers. This is a whole other realm of herbalism with critical considerations and consequences.
Our herbalist, Pam Caldwell, is one of the few herbalists who specialize in this area, with 30 years of experience. She is knowledgeable about what works and what herbs to use for various problems, and especially what is safe and appropriate for pregnant moms, trying-to-conceive moms, and breastfeeding moms and their babies. What might be safe for a regular person may be contraindicated (or even dangerous) for a pregnant or breastfeeding woman or her baby. It’s wise to rely on a specialist in this area rather than a general-practice herbalist. Pam is that specialist.
Pam has created this line of Certified Organic herbal products with pregnant and breastfeeding moms specifically in mind.
She and Herb Lore’s products have been a trusted resource by midwives, OB’s, Lactation Consultants, pediatricians and other mama/baby care providers for over 30 years.
Client confidentiality and anonymity are always respected and guaranteed.
First Rule of Thumb…
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
This means that the body inherently knows what to do and how to do it. It can conceive, grow, nourish and birth a baby. We just have to trust our bodies – and we CAN trust our bodies. Sometimes they get out of balance, and that’s when a gentle herb can help get it back on its path of balance and health again. And this leads us to …
The Second Rule of Thumb….
“First the word, then the plant, and lastly the knife.”
Asclepius of Thessaly, one of the great minds of medicine, 3000 years ago
This means that it’s prudent to start with the most gentle course of action first, which would be counseling and information and taking the advice contained therein. If the information and recommended steps aren’t enough to produce the desired results, then step up to using plants (herbs).
If results are still not seen, then stair-step your way up to the more aggressive means, such as pharmaceuticals or surgery. Sometimes these things are necessary. Using heavy-duty healing modalities such as this as a first course of action though is usually not necessary, and can be very hard on the body. EVERY pharmaceutical drug has a side-effect of some kind.