
The products below are on special this month at 10% discount. 
Here’s the info you’ll need. (Scroll down for thumbnails and links to the products)

SECOND HALF OF MAY – Items for Babies & Children (and big people too!)

Includes – Anxia-T Ease Tincture, Chamomile Tea, Garlic Ear Oil, Healing Salve, Iron Tonic Tincture, Teething Tincture, Tummy Tincture, Rescue Remedy

Coupon Code to use during checkout – May2024-2

How much – 10% off (MembersBirthworkersBirthworker Students, and Military/Veterans – this is on top of your program discounts!)

Sale dates:  5/16/2024 – 5/31/2024


FIRST HALF OF JUNE – Preview – Coming soon!

Includes – 

Coupon Code – June2024-1

How much – 10% off (MembersBirthworkersBirthworker Students, and Military/Veterans – this is on top of your program discounts!)

Sale dates:  6/01/2024 – 6/15/2024

Please note that only one coupon code can be used per order.  

Join our Mailing List to receive notifications of our specials and information on the products featured!


Anxia-T Ease Tincture

Helps to calm anxiety, stress and nervousness.  Results can be felt within minutes. Ok for use by anyone.

Chamomile Tea

This herb is great for alleviating tummy upset, nervous upset, emotional upset, stress, restlessness and sleeplessness. It has pain relieving properties and is helpful for colicky and teething babies.

Garlic Ear Oil

The 1oz size is getting closer to the expiration date than we’d like (still very good but we’re trying to be proactive) so it’s on sale at 30% off under…

Healing Salve

Helps to soothe and clear diaper rash, cracked nipples, tight pregnant belly skin, burns, or any skin irritation or discomfort. Helps with easy removal of meconium (newborn baby’s first poops),…

Iron Tonic Tincture

Helps support healthy blood levels and may help with anemic-type situations without causing constipation like a pharmaceutical iron supplement would.

Rescue Remedy

A flower essence combination used to ease stress, anxiety, panic attack, trauma, or fear. Helps to balance the emotions.

Teething Tincture

Used to help ease the pain and discomfort of teething in babies. While helping to ease pain and reduce inflammation, the herbs also help relax babies, help promote restful, peaceful…

Tummy Tincture

Helps ease symptoms of gas, colic, reflux and other digestive complaints including indigestion, nausea, and heartburn.