Labor Tincture

Contains herbs to help initiate labor, to re-start a stalled labor, to detach a retained placenta, to stop postpartum bleeding and to help with an incomplete miscarriage.

Labor Tincture

Black Cohosh Root
Blue Cohosh Root
Ginger Root 

Placenta Release Tincture

Used at birth to help expel the placenta.

Placenta Release Tincture

Herb Lore’s Placenta Release Tincture is used to help expel the placenta after baby’s birth. 


Thank you Pam!  As always, I appreciate your kindness and wisdom. I'm attaching an unsolicited photo of that aforementioned third baby, who you helped us to prepare for, and grow, and birth, and nurse (seriously: your products carried me through the childbearing year like a stalwart companion)! In fact, they've been there for me the entire 12 years we've been on this journey--one of my longest relationships!  E.P.