After Birthing Ease Tincture

May help to ease after birth pains and cramping, which commonly happen for women having their second or subsequent babies.

Hem Stopper

Used to help staunch bleeding after a birth.

Hem Stopper Tincture (formerly Anti-Hemorrhage Tincture)

Herb Lore’s Hem Stopper Tincture is used to help staunch bleeding after a birth.  It’s best used immediately after the birth (and after the birth of the placenta), and as long as the bleeding or risk of bleeding continues.  If the placenta has not been birthed yet and is the cause for bleeding, the Placenta Release Tincture is then recommended.

Labor Tincture

Contains herbs to help initiate labor, to re-start a stalled labor, to detach a retained placenta, to stop postpartum bleeding and to help with an incomplete miscarriage.

Labor Tincture

Black Cohosh Root
Blue Cohosh Root
Ginger Root 

Placenta Release Tincture

Used at birth to help expel the placenta.

Placenta Release Tincture

Herb Lore’s Placenta Release Tincture is used to help expel the placenta after baby’s birth. 


I LOVE YOUR NURSING TINCTURE (Moringa Blend)!  My baby is sleeping through the night again and I wake up FULL of milk.  I stay full for every feeding.  It is a wonderful difference.  And to think, I almost stopped nursing over a month ago!  Love the product! Thank you, Thank you!  I praise God for your company!  Keep up the great work!  K.J.