Iron Tonic Tincture

Helps support healthy blood levels and may help with anemic-type situations without causing constipation like a pharmaceutical iron supplement would.

Yellow Dock Root

Yellow Dock Root is one of the best sources of naturally available iron. It concentrates iron from the earth and combines it with the vitamins and minerals needed for the best absorption in our bodies. According to Susun Weed, rises in the hematocrit (a measure of iron in our blood) of as much as a point a week are reported by women taking this iron tonic during pregnancy and after hemorrhage. And unlike prescription or synthetic forms of iron, Yellow Dock is not constipating. As a matter of fact, it's gentle stool softening properties gently help to relieve constipation. It is a wonderful liver detoxifier, blood cleanser, and is helpful in clearing chronic skin problems. 


Hi Pam,  I'm so happy to have found your products, the Nursing Tincture (Moringa Blend) in particular works really well. I was afraid that going back to work would make my milk supply drop which is one of the main reasons I bought it. It's actually making me over-produce now and has allowed me to save up a really nice stash in my freezer for my son. I'm trying to decrease my supply now for my morning pump as I have a lot of milk (sometimes 30oz in one morning).  Do you have any suggestions on how I can safely reduce my supply without totally diminishing it?  Thank you, A.S.   (Yes, Sage Tea or Tincture helps to gently decrease milk supply, or simply cut back or stop using the Nursing Tincture Moringa Blend if your supply is adequate.  You may not have need of it any more!)