
Herbs for pregnant and nursing moms is NOT your regular herbalism!

Many herbalists have extensive knowledge about using herbs, but not many are specifically trained in using herbs with pregnant, trying-to-conceive or breastfeeding mothers.  This is a whole other realm of herbalism with critical considerations and consequences for pregnant and nursing mothers and their babies.  Our herbalist and company founder, Pam Caldwell, is one of the few herbalists who specialize in this area, with over 20 years of experience.  She is knowledgeable about what works and what herbs to use for various problems, and especially what is safe and appropriate for pregnant moms, trying-to-conceive moms, and breastfeeding moms and their babies.  What might be safe for a regular person may be contraindicated (or even dangerous) for a pregnant or breastfeeding woman or her baby.  The importance of using products made by an expert or listening to advice from an expert when pregnant or breastfeeding cannot be understated.   (Click the title above to read more about this important topic....)


I had  a client who developed PUPPS around 32 weeks and was horribly uncomfortable and itchy. I recommended the Itch Soother Tincture from Herb Lore and her PUPPS cleared up in a week. She took it through out the rest of her pregnancy with no recurrence of the PUPPS. She was also so pleased with Herb Lore because they shipped it out super fast!  D.S. (midwife)