
Best Herbs to Increase Breastmilk Production


There are several herbs that work well to increase milk production.  You may be wondering which one is best for you!  Here is a brief summary - there is MUCH more information under Articles & Information and a more detailed and comprehensive one in the Premium Article section.  Here is a brief summary though:

Fenugreek: A great herb for increasing milk production, but you need to know how to use it correctly!

Fenugreek Seed is one of the most well-known and effective herbs used to increase breastmilk production, BUT there are some things you need to know when using it.

Galactagogues - Herbs that Increase Breastmilk Production

A galactagogue is an herb that is used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers. Below is a list of some of the more effective and popular herbs and some important information about each.  For a list of the products that Herb Lore offers that include these herbs, information about which one is appropriate for your situation, and helpful dosage information, please click HERE.

Nursing Tincture Moringa Blend

May help to increase breastmilk production while helping to ease gas or colic. Great choice for mothers with newborns, or babies with gas or sensitive tummies in the convenient liquid-extract tincture form.


I'm 9 weeks pregnant with baby #2, and my HG (morning sickness) is much more manageable than with pregnancy #1.  I've been on both the Pregnancy Tea and Pregnant Mother's Liver Tonic for several months now, and am continuing it through this pregnancy.  That combined with fermented foods has clearly made a difference for me.  I'm so, so grateful for you!  Blessings on you 100-fold for the blessing you are to the women and families you serve!  N.R.