Tummy Tincture is a great tasting herbal combination that helps to dispel gas, alleviate nausea and indigestion, and to help relieve reflux and colic. Many of our clients have reported that it has helped correct constipation in their babies as well.
The herbs used are Certified Organic, contain no caffeine, preservatives or additives of any kind, and are of the freshest and highest quality possible.
The tincture comes in a regular alcohol-base or in a non-alcohol version, which is perfect for children or for those who simply prefer a non-alcohol product.
Alcohol-based tinctures extract more of the medicinal properties of the herbs, making them a little more potent and effective, and are safe for use by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. The amount of alcohol per dose is the equivalent of eating a very ripe banana. More about the safety factors of an alcohol-based tincture can be seen HERE.
Herb Lore’s Tummy Tincture contains Anise Seed (NOT Star Anise which is a completely different herb), Fennel Seed, Dill, Catnip and Chamomile. The Anise and Fennel Seeds are specific for relieving gas, indigestion and nausea, and for relaxing intestinal spasms.
Dill also is an excellent remedy for gas and colic pain.
Catnip is used for stomach problems, colic in particular, and is very relaxing and calming to the entire system.
Chamomile is also a relaxant and is used to relieve colic, nausea, indigestion, gas and its accompanying pain.
This combination may also help to relieve mild constipation mom and baby, and will help support (and may even increase in some individuals) breastmilk production in nursing mothers.
Nursing mothers may take the Tummy Tincture, which will pass through the breastmilk to their nursing babies.
Tummy Tincture is safe for nursing mothers and their babies, but is not recommended for those who are pregnant, in their first trimester in particular, as a few of the herbs in the combination may have some very slight uterine stimulating effects.
Tummy Tincture is a combination of extremely effective herbs that usually brings immediate relief.
For colicky babies, it is best for the nursing mother to take the tincture, which will then pass to the baby through the breastmilk.
If the baby is in great distress, the non-alcohol tincture can be given to the baby directly, but do not let the baby suck on the glass dropper tube. (They will try!) Our Children’s Dosage Guide will give you specific dosage suggestions for children.
For everyone else (including breastfeeding mothers), the recommended amount is 1-2 droppersful (squeezes) of the tincture three times a day or as needed, dosing every 10-15 minutes until discomfort eases.
If your baby is chronically colicky, the Tummy Tincture can be used at this dosage every day as a preventative.
Please see our Premium Articles on Reflux and Colic noted below for further information and suggestions.
Read the Full Articles on this Topic: (All-Access Membership required. SIGN UP or LOG IN here.)
Reflux – Learn…
- Why Reflux is commonly mis-diagnosed and what other issues may really be to blame.
- The dangers of antacid medications, such as Prilosec® and Prevacid®
- How taking these medications can actually GIVE you reflux when you may not have actually had it in the first place
- Natural and more effective solutions for resolving reflux.
- How emotional issues and upset (including disharmony in the environment) can impact stomach problems and how to overcome them.
Colic – Learn…
- What is colic, and what can cause it?
- Feeding suggestions to help alleviate colic in baby
- Dietary suggestions for mom to help ease baby’s tummy distress
- What foods are famous for causing colic in babies
- Foods, supplements, herbs (some of which must be given directly to your baby, and some the mother should take, and why), along with other suggestions to help ease baby’s tummy issues.
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written by Pam Caldwell
Certified Herbalist — Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum & Lactation Specialist