Herb Lore’s Pre-Conception Tea (and Pre-Conception Tincture) helps to provide nutrition while encouraging a favorable environment to promote fertility and conception.
They may be enjoyed freely throughout the day, every day, for months at a time.
These herbs, when used in combination with each other in the correct amounts (as they are in this product), work to enhance fertility, increasing the odds of conception. Plus it tastes good and is very healthy for you!
The herbs are Certified Organic, contain no caffeine, preservatives or additives of any kind, and are of the freshest and highest quality possible.
The tea comes in a tamper-evident, resealable pouch, which is air-tight and moisture-proof to keep your tea in the freshest condition possible.
This product is also available in tincture (liquid extract) form. It’s the same combination, just a different way of taking it.
NOTE: Due to the Red Clover and Alfalfa, it is not suitable for those on blood-thinning medications.
Once pregnancy is achieved, it is then appropriate and recommended to switch over to the regular Pregnancy Tea (or Pregnancy Tea Tincture).
This blend contains the following herbs:
Red Clover Blossom & Leaf – one of the most useful fertility-promoting herbs. High in vitamins and minerals, including calcium and magnesium. Has virtually every trace mineral needed by the glands, and may help balance the alkaline/acid balance in the body, including the vagina and uterus. Is traditionally used as a blood-thinner and cleanser, making it useful for skin problems as well.
Red Raspberry Leaf – tones uterus and muscles of the pelvic region. It is highly nutritive. It is a great fertility-promoting herb, especially when used in combination with Red Clover and Peppermint. It is the best preparatory herb for pregnancy, as it is so effective in toning, strengthening and bringing over-all health and vitality to the uterus.
Dandelion Leaf – one of the best herbs for preventing and treating pre-eclampsia and strengthening the liver. (Poor functioning of the liver is both symptomatic and a causative of pre-eclampsia). Also helps the kidneys function better and is a good source of calcium and potassium. Prevents and helps to correct anemia as it is a great source of folic acid and iron.
Nettle Leaf – contains nearly every vitamin and mineral necessary for human growth and health. Abundant in vitamins A, C, D, and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur. Nettle contains more chlorophyll than any other herb, which is important to clean, purify and oxygenate the blood. It guards against anemia, helps gently relieve constipation, and is extremely nutritious. It nourishes and strengthens kidneys so as to help facilitate the increased demands of the mother’s blood cleansing during pregnancy. Eases leg cramps and other muscle spasms and pain due to the high calcium content.
Nettle, Red Clover and Raspberry Leaf all contain calcium in its most absorbable form. Calcium and magnesium are said to be the two most important minerals that affect a woman’s ability to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. Spinach, chocolate, rhubarb, and brewers yeast can interfere with the absorption of calcium. As well, calcium supplements made of bone meal and oyster shell should be avoided as they are not as easily absorbed in the body and they have been shown to contain high levels of lead, mercury, cadmium and other toxic metals.
Alfalfa – this herb contains 8 essential amino acids for good digestion and helps nausea. Like Nettle, it contains almost every vitamin and mineral known to man. It is extremely high in chlorophyll which helps with blood oxygenation and purification and helps to correct constipation. Very high in Vitamin K. Highly nutritious!
Chamomile – relaxing, soothing and calming to the entire system. Helps with digestion and nausea, and is also high in calcium. Chamomile is anti-inflammatory in nature and is wonderful in healing swellings, achy joints and other inflammations. Rosemary Gladstar states “This delicate, gentle flower is a must for pregnant women. Its sunny disposition is helpful for lifting the spirits and its calming relaxing attributes are very soothing to the soul.”
Oatstraw – also great for the nerves. It is high in calcium and magnesium and complements Chamomile wonderfully. It is also a great herb if yeast infections are a problem.
Peppermint – this herb not only gives your tea a wonderful taste, but it is a great digestive aid and sexual stimulant as well. It is used frequently for upset stomachs, poor digestion, and for colds and fever.
NOTE: as this combination contains Alfalfa, which is high in Vitamin K, the blood-coagulating vitamin, those on blood-thinning medications should not use this product. Those with Lupus should also avoid Alfalfa.
Read the Full Article on this Topic: (All-Access Membership required. SIGN UP or LOG IN here.)
Pregnancy & Pre-Conception Basics – In this highly informative article, you will learn:
- How to best maximize and enhance your fertility.
- A common factor for women who are having a hard time conceiving and herbs that will help.
- What supplements are recommended to support your health and your future baby’s health, giving him or her the best start possible. (This includes recommendations for supplements known to help prevent birth defects and that should be taken PRIOR to conception.)
- Information on how to choose good quality supplements that are well-absorbed (if they don’t absorb, they can’t help!).
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Related Articles (open for public viewing)
- Tincture Information
- How to Make a Tea
- Storage of Your Herbal Products
- Pregnancy Tea and Pregnancy Tea Plus Info
written by Pam Caldwell
Certified Herbalist — Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum & Lactation Specialist