
Recommended Reading for Lactation

Nursing Mother’s Companion, by Kathleen Huggins  (includes a great section in the back regarding the safety of drugs during breastfeeding)

Bestfeeding, by Suzanne Arms

Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, by La Leche League

Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs, by James J. Rybacki & James W. Long  (has list of 2000 prescription drugs, listing any interactions with herbs and whether safe or not for pregnancy and lactation)


I just wanted to thank you for all of your products.  When my husband and I were trying to conceive, we bought Herb Lore's fertility tinctures and teas (Pre-Conception Tea and Tincture) and we got pregnant that very month.  Then once I had had the baby, I started the Nursing Tincture (Moringa Blend).  My milk was delayed due to having a c-section, and within a day of taking it, my daughter had gained weight!  (She had lost a pound from birth in a week.)  Then when our little one started having gas and Mylicon was making things worse, I took the Tummy Tincture so she would get it in my breastmilk.  Within a day, she was no longer getting the severe gas pains and she was burping better too.  I just want everyone to know that your products really work!  Thank you again!  K.L.