Booty Salve

The 2oz size has the old name of Hemorrhoid Salve on the product label and is therefore on clearance at 30% off under the coupon code CLEARANCE (This sale is not available to wholesale customers.)

An herbal salve used to soothe painful hemorrhoids.

Flower Essences (and Rescue Remedy)

In the late 1920's, Dr. Edward Bach, a renowned British scientist and physician, observed that his patients' healing and well-being were directly influenced by their state of mind and emotional health. He noticed that the personality, attitude and present outlook of a patient had a great deal to do with their being cured or remaining sick. He understood that "the personality of the individual is of even more importance than the body in the treatment of disease". He realized that, instead of treating the patient as a body with an illness, the patient needed to be treated like an individual. "Treat the patient, not the disease."

Healing Salve

Helps to soothe and clear diaper rash, cracked nipples, tight pregnant belly skin (perhaps lessening the chances of stretch marks), or any skin irritation or discomfort. Helps with easy removal of meconium (newborn baby's first poops), which can be sticky and difficult to remove.

Postpartum Sitz Bath Herbs

Helps to soothe and calm the perineal area after birth. Winner of the Essential Postpartum Products for Mama and Baby 2015 award.

Postpartum Sitz Bath Herbs

Herb Lore's Postpartum Sitz Bath Herbs is an herbal combination used after birth to help soothe and heal the mother's perineal/vaginal area (even in severe cases), as well as to help heal baby's umbilical cord stump. The sitz bath combination contains the following herbs:


I purchased your Vitex and within 6 weeks finally conceived and held the pregnancy!  I am now 39 weeks pregnant, due to deliver our baby girl in one week!! This is after three years of trying to conceive and having 10 miscarriages.  Then I used your Vitex herb and no problems or side effects.  We got pregnant spontaneously and have had a perfectly healthy pregnancy!  All of the many doctors and specialists I had seen over the course of the three years of miscarrying and infertility told me that my husband and I would never be able to have our own biological baby, and in fact, the only way we could is to use an egg donor and Invitro Fertilization!  So we researched the use of natural herbs and then we were fortunate to be referred to Pam Caldwell at Herb Lore for her expert advice and guidance and to purchase their wonderful organic herbal products. Another thing I would like to share is the fact that I am 41 years old. So I highly encourage and hope that all women who are having difficulty with fertility or having miscarriages to try the simple, safe and far less expensive method that I did to reach their goal of starting their precious families as we have done. J.S.