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Labor Induction

Submitted by Pam on

I remember the last several weeks of my pregnancy. They seemed to take FOREVER!  I was carrying a 9-1/2 pound baby and was SO incredibly uncomfortable! Any fear of labor was gone – I just wanted this baby OUT. As hard as it is to wait though, it is so worth it. A common assumption …

Fertility & Hormones

Submitted by Pam on

This has always mystified me.  I’ve talked to A LOT of women who are working on fertility – trying to become pregnant – who have worked with fertility clinics.  Frequently, they say the doctors don’t check for hormone imbalance!  This is a huge factor in whether a woman can become pregnant or not!   If …

Is it worth even TRYING to breastfeed your second baby?

Submitted by Pam on

Didn’t make enough breastmilk for your first baby?  Now you’re pregnant with your next one, or considering getting pregnant again?  Are you wondering if you should even try to breastfeed this next baby, considering how difficult or perhaps even impossible it was with your first one?  Let me give you some excellent news …   …

Postpartum Emotions (and a Note about Postpartum Depression)

Submitted by Pam on

As I was writing my blog about herbs for increasing breastmilk production, I felt guided to address how normal, natural and common it is for women to feel very emotional and feel the need to cry after they’ve given birth, or at any time postpartum.  It became clear that it needed to be a blog …

Itching During Pregnancy (PUPPS)

Submitted by Pam on

We frequently get clients who are pregnant and are experiencing itchiness.  This is more than just your average itchiness from stretching or dry skin – it can be extreme and really awful to experience.  It may be PUPPS or cholestasis.   Along with the terrible itching, symptoms can also include brown/dark yellow urine (like beer), …

Mastitis & Plugged Ducts

Submitted by Pam on

These were two unexpected and VERY unpleasant issues that began to creep up on me just 3 weeks after the birth of my daughter.  Actually it didn’t creep up at all – it actually happened very fast – one minute I was feeling fine and within a ½ hour, I was feeling horrible.  Like I …

The Importance of Herb Freshness

Submitted by Pam on

I love to cook with herbs.  They give such amazing flavor and add to the health benefits of the foods being cooked.  I’m sure you like to use herbs for cooking too!  Have you ever used an old herb, something that’s been in your kitchen cupboard maybe a little too long?  How did it taste?  …