Pre-Conception Tea – Certified Organic


52 in stock


The herbs in this combination work wonderfully together to provide nutrition while encouraging a favorable environment to promote fertility and conception.

These herbs, when used in combination with each other in the correct amounts (as they are in this product), can enhance fertility, increasing the chances of conception. Plus it tastes good!

Pre-Conception Tea is also available in a liquid extract (tincture) form. Pre-Conception Tincture is the exact same combination of herbs as the tea – just as a liquid extract.

Herb Lore’s teas are bulk teas. You can make a large pot to drink from during the day, or you can use a tea ball infuser to make it by the individual cup.

NOTE: Due to the Red Clover and Alfalfa in the combination, this product is not suitable for those on blood-thinning medications.

This is a Certified Organic product.  Read what that means HERE.

Certified Organic Red Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover Blossom, Dandelion Leaf, Nettle Leaf, Alfalfa, Chamomile, Oatstraw, and Peppermint. No other additives or fillers used. All of Herb Lore's products are non-GMO and gluten-free, and are never, ever tested on animals.

Use 2-3 cups each day. Once pregnancy is achieved, its recommended to switch to Pregnancy Tea (or Tincture).

I just had to email and let you know I've been using your Vitex for the last 7 weeks and the length of my cycles have gone from 33 days to 27 days! I am amazed and excited! I use a fertility monitor which tracks the electrolytes in saliva and then with the help of a vaginal monitor calculates maximum fertility days. Before your Vitex, I was getting a reading for 2 maximum fertile days, 6 – 7 days apart, which doesn't sound quite normal. This last cycle, I had 2 maximum fertile days but they were on days 14 and 16 which is much closer than 7 days apart. I started taking the Pre-Conception Tea, so I bet by this next cycle it will be even better! I can't thank you enough for helping me with this! I feel I know my body better and am in more control of my fertility! In the next month or so, we plan to try to conceive! A.G.  (Note:  This client now has a brand new baby!)

Thank you, and again I just want to tell you after 4 years of going to the doctor to get pregnant, I started drinking your Pre-Conception Tea for a couple of months and I finally got pregnant!  I strongly believe that your tea helped me balance my body to conceive better than all of that medicine I've injected myself with for that long 4 years.  I just want to share my child's picture. I have never met you (spoke to you on the phone though), but I truly believe that you helped me realize this little miracle!  Thanks! M.L.

Dear, Ms. Pam Caldwell,  I hope you remember me…this is Mr. M from Japan.  I'm so happy to tell you that my wife got pregnant!  The baby's been growing up very well. (please look at photos, I think you can see hands and legs?)  Since my wife began to take the Pre-Conception Tincture and Vitex pills, she looks more bright and healthy.  At the end of last month, we noticed we've got a baby!  I don't know how to tell how much we appreciate!  She wrote about your product on her blog.  Thank you very much again!

I just wanted to thank you for all of your products.  When my husband and I were trying to conceive, we bought Herb Lore's fertility tinctures and teas (Pre-Conception Tea and Tincture) and we got pregnant that very month.  Then once I had had the baby, I started the Nursing Tincture.  My milk was delayed due to having a c-section, and within a day of taking it, my daughter had gained weight!  (She had lost a pound from birth in a week.)  Then when our little one started having gas and Mylicon was making things worse, I took the Tummy Tincture so she would get it in my breastmilk.  Within a day, she was no longer getting the severe gas pains and she was burping better too.  I just want everyone to know that your products really work!  Thank you again!  K.L.

Pam, thank you so much! About a year ago, you counseled me about the wisdom of letting my body right itself after an IUD removal and not to worry, that our baby would come. Everything is playing out just like you said, all without medical intervention. Within 6 months of using your VitexPregnant Mother's Liver Tonic, and Preconception Tincture—the Hashimoto’s reversed and my thyroid numbers balanced themselves without any allopathic intervention!  In 6 more months, I now have my thick beautiful hair back and am newly pregnant with our first baby!  He or she is due in early December, so it will be the best Christmas ever for us!  L.C. 

I should first say, I would have never believed this if it didn't happen to me.  I'd never tried herbs before and although I wanted a second child desperately, I wasn't convinced it would work.  I called Herb Lore and got a lot of really helpful information.  Pam was so reassuring and confident when we had our consultation.  I hung up really feeling like everything she said (including the timing of my pregnancy) would really happen….and it did!!

It was so easy for me to get pregnant the first time, even at age 40!  And even the second time, which ended in a miscarriage. But after that, it wasn't easy. My husband and I consulted a fertility specialist who insisted on highly expensive and invasive procedures after all "time was of the essence" at age 42.  But I didn't want to do that, and so I was thrilled to have another option.  Herb Lore's Pre-Conception Tea and Vitex Tincture worked exactly as Pam said it would. I gave it the required time to get into my system and just as she said, I was pregnant in the summer. 

Pam was such a big help when I needed advice throughout the pregnancy. I had fears that this one wouldn't "stick", but it did, and we now have our healthy baby boy and I'm now 44!  We cannot thank Pam and Herb Lore enough for helping us to complete our family.  We wanted our daughter to have a brother or sister and with your help, that dream has become a reality!  We feel very fortunate and blessed!

I could go on and on about Herb Lore's great products and Pam's support.  She always sounds so cheerful, relaxed, calm and reassuring.  Words almost don't even describe how thankful we are!  We have two beautiful, healthy children! What a gift from God…we feel so blessed!  Pam and Herb Lore's products do amazing work, and I'm so glad we found you!

With our most sincere gratitude, L.& M.M.

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