Articles and Informations

The Mind of Your Newborn Baby, by Dr. David Chamberlain Ph.D. Windows of the Womb, by Dr. David Chamberlain Ph.D. Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, by Susun Weed The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth, by Henci Goer The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Birth, by Sheila Kitzinger Birthing From Within, by … Read more

Nursing Mother’s Companion, by Kathleen Huggins  (includes a great section in the back regarding the safety of drugs during breastfeeding) Bestfeeding, by Suzanne Arms Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, by La Leche League Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs, by James J. Rybacki & James W. Long  (has list of 2000 prescription drugs, listing any interactions with … Read more

The Baby Book, by Dr. William and Martha Sears (we recommend any of the Dr. Sears books) How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child, by Janet Zane, Rachel Walton & Bob Rountree Naturally Healthy Babies & Children, by Aviva Jill Romm … Read more

Herb Lore’s Pregnancy Tea and Pregnancy Tea Plus are healthful and refreshing herbal combinations that are supportive and toning to the entire system before, during and after pregnancy. The regular Pregnancy Tea may be used throughout the entire pregnancy, and because of its high vitamin and mineral content, achieves its best results when used on … Read more

Herb Lore’s Pre-Conception Tea (and Tincture)  helps to provide nutrition while encouraging a favorable environment to promote fertility and conception. They may be enjoyed freely throughout the day, every day, for months at a time. These herbs, when used in combination with each other in the correct amounts (as they are in this product), work … Read more

Herb Lore’s Postpartum Sitz Bath Herbs is an herbal combination used after birth to help soothe and heal the mother’s perineal/vaginal area (even in severe cases), as well as to help heal baby’s umbilical cord stump. It can also be used for soothing hemorrhoids or any skin discomfort or areas that are in need of … Read more

Poke Root is one of the best herbs to help clear mastitis (breast infection). It is traditionally used as a lymph cleanser, and has a special affinity for red, inflamed mammary glands, testicles and throat.  The typical experience with this herb is that a breast infection will usually clear up within 24 hours, without the use … Read more

Herb Lore’s Placenta Release Tincture is used to help expel the placenta after baby’s birth.  Not for use in pregnancy until the birth. The Placenta Release Tincture contains organic: Angelica is a powerful emmenagogue and uterine stimulant that is typically quite successful in releasing even a fully-adhered placenta.  Do not confuse Archangelica with Angelica Sinensis … Read more

Ease the Quease Tincture was formulated specifically for morning sickness in pregnant mothers, but is helpful for any type of nausea, including travel sickness. It is made from all Certified Organic, contains no caffeine, preservatives or additives, and are of the freshest and highest quality possible.  The tincture comes in a regular alcohol-base or in … Read more

A galactagogue is an herb that is used to help increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers. Below is a list of some of the more effective and popular herbs and some important information about each.  For a list of the products that Herb Lore offers that include these herbs, information about which one is appropriate … Read more