Articles and Informations

This is a great tasting herbal combination formulated specifically to increase and enrich breastmilk production in nursing mothers. (The tea and the tincture are made from the same combination of herbs – it’s just two different ways of taking it.)  This combination not only helps increase breastmilk production, but has the additional benefits of helping to alleviate and … Read more

There has been much in the news about the risks of antidepressant use during pregnancy being linked to autism and birth defects.  Researchers in JAMA Pediatrics reported that “children of women who took anti-depressants during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy were 87% more likely to develop autism than kids born to women who … Read more

Learn about natural solutions and herbal sleep remedies for relaxation, stress-relief, anxiety-relief, depression and insomnia.

by Laurie Chamberlin CD, ICCE, CLE ‘Will the pain medication I have in labor affect my baby?” asks my client Olivia with curious eyes. I think I know the answer she is hoping for and I don’t think I can give it to her. “Yes” I reply, to which I see a momentary flutter of … Read more

Yellow Dock Root is one of the best sources of naturally available iron. It concentrates iron from the earth and combines it with the vitamins and minerals needed for the best absorption in our bodies. According to Susun Weed, rises in the hematocrit (a measure of iron in our blood) of as much as a … Read more

Tummy Tincture is a great tasting herbal combination that helps to dispel gas, alleviate nausea and indigestion, and to help relieve reflux and colic. Many of our clients have reported that it has helped correct constipation in their babies as well.  The herbs are Certified Organic, contain no caffeine, preservatives or additives of any kind, and … Read more

Learn what is a tincture, how you take a tincture, what is a tincture dropperful, and why the tincture doesn't fill the entire dropper

Herbal products come in many forms – teas, tinctures (liquid extracts), capsules, tablets, compresses, poultices, salves, creams, baths, footbaths (to name a few!), and of course, used in foods!   Here is how to care and store some of the most frequently used forms of herbal products: Dried Herbs If possible, store your dried herbs … Read more

Sage Tea (or Tincture) is the best herb used to decrease breastmilk production, which is helpful for weaning or when over-production, chronic or frequent engorgement, or plugged ducts is a problem, or in cases of fetal demise.  (If plugged ducts are a problem, please see detailed information on the Poke Root information, or Plugged Ducts, … Read more

The following Flower Essences are included in the Rescue Remedy combination.   The following is a list of each of their meanings and how they can be of help to you: Clematis– key word is Dreamer. For listlessness, inattentiveness, preoccupation, absent-mindedness, and when one has “left their body”. Helps bring one back down to earth and … Read more