Articles and Informations

The following Flower Essences are included in the Res-Q Blend combination.   The following is a list of each of their meanings and how they can be of help to you: *Aspen – keyword is Vague Fears of Unknown Origin. This essence helps to alleviate fears of an unknown origin, anxiety and apprehension. Helps to alleviate … Read more

You may be asking yourself why being Certified Organic is so important. Also what is the difference is between Certified Organic, wildcrafted and conventional? Read on to find out the answers! Why “Organic” is so important? Many people prefer to buy organic foods and products for themselves and their families, but what exactly does “Certified … Read more

There are various and very individual reasons for feeling blue, experiencing stress, emotional struggles, and anxiousness.  Some are more “world-oriented”, meaning that living in this day and age is just downright too fast, too stressful and very nerve-wracking, which can lead to these feelings.  Other reasons can be more personal and individual in nature.  As … Read more

Each year there is a new strain of flu and the press says each year that “it’s the worst flu season ever”, stirring up a lot of fear and panic in everybody.  There are some pointers that I wanted to share with you to help protect you and your family – to help keep you … Read more

What is Reiki? Reiki is an energetic healing art with its roots in ancient Japan.  The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word Rei (meaning Universal Life) and Ki (meaning energy). Together Reiki literally means Universal Life Energy. Reiki is not affiliated with any religious practice or system – it is simply the Life Force … Read more

My former assistant and student, Gina Rogers, wrote a fascinating article on breastmilk for National Breastfeeding Month that I thought was highly informative and wanted to share with you!  She writes….. We received a message from one of our friends on Facebook asking us if we would like to work together to promote National Breastfeeding … Read more

Ayurveda is the traditional natural healing system of India, dating back over 5,000 years.  An ancient Sanskrit word, Ayurveda literally means “the science of life”.  Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga: it is the healing side of Yoga, while Yoga is the philosophical/spiritual side of Ayurveda.  Together, Yoga and Ayurveda provide a complete, holistic … Read more

Shatavari, also known as wild asparagus, is an Ayurvedic herb used for centuries for many issues, including as a reproductive tonic for both men and women, as a digestive soother, and an herb that helps one adapt and cope with stress.  It is rich in antioxidants and helps to promote healthy energy levels and strength. … Read more

Shatavari, also known as wild asparagus, is an Ayurvedic herb used for centuries for many issues, including as a reproductive tonic for both men and women, as a digestive soother, and an herb that helps one adapt and cope with stress.  It is rich in antioxidants and helps to promote healthy energy levels and strength.  … Read more

Moringa is a fast-growing tree native to South Asia and now found all throughout the tropics.  It’s also known as Mulunggay, or the Miracle Tree, as it is so high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential amino acids.  It’s well-known and highly regarded for its ability to increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.  It has: … Read more