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Pre-Con Tea – KL (got preg that month)

I just wanted to thank you for all of your products.  When my husband and I were trying to conceive, we bought Herb Lore's fertility tinctures and teas (Pre-Conception Tea and Tincture) and we got pregnant that very month.  Then once I had had the baby, I started the Nursing Tincture.  My milk was delayed due to having a c-section, and within a day of taking it, my daughter had gained weight!  (She had lost a pound from birth in a week.)  Then when our little one started having gas and Mylicon was making things worse, I took the Tummy Tincture so she would get it in my breastmilk.  Within a day, she was no longer getting the severe gas pains and she was burping better too.  I just want everyone to know that your products really work!  Thank you again!  K.L.