In this highly informative article, find out why Reflux is commonly incorrectly diagnosed and what other issues may really be to blame. Read about the risks of antacid medications such as Prilosec® and Prevacid®, and how taking these medications can actually GIVE you Reflux when you may not have actually had it in the first place! … Read more
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Sore nipples can be a painful and problematic for breastfeeding women. The following ideas will help heal nipples and also give you ideas on causes of and how you can prevent sore or even cracked, bleeding nipples in the first place. (To read the entire article, please Login or Subscribe.)
In this highly informative article, you will learn what colic is and what can cause this painful situation and feeding suggestions to help alleviate baby’s colic. Learn what foods that mom may be eating that may be problematic, and a list of foods that commonly cause colic in babies so you know what to avoid. … Read more
Moms and babies can develop thrush, especially if they were given a round of antibiotics. Thrush is a yeast infection in the breast for mom, and orally for baby. Learn what the symptoms are in mom and in baby, what feeds the organism making it extremely difficult to eradicate, supplements you can take and other … Read more
The thyroid is a gland located in the base of the neck. It secretes a hormone that controls metabolic activity in the body – it acts as the body’s thermostat and regulator. It is one of the glands that make up the endocrine system, along with the adrenals, the ovaries, the pituitary and the thymus. … Read more
In this Premium Article, learn what herbs will help maximize and enhance your fertility, and what common factor exists for women who are having problems with conception, and herbs that will help. It contains a list of supplements and herbs that are recommended to support your health and your baby’s health, giving him or her … Read more