In this expanded and in-depth article, learn what affects milk production, and what the different herbs, products or techniques are that are successfully in helping to increase production. Learn why returning to work or starting baby on solids can decrease your supply and how to overcome that, and why it can be common for women who’ve had a C-Section to have milk supply problems. Should you use herbs to establish a milk supply even before you give birth? Especially if you had a problem with supply with your first baby? Is it ok to take antihistamines for allergies while you’re breastfeeding? How will that affect my milk supply? Your answers are within this article. Other questions addressed are:
- What herbs increase milk supply, but should be AVOIDED, and why.
- My period has returned after giving birth and my PMS is worse than its ever been. What can I take that will help with this and that’s ok to use while breastfeeding?
- What you can do if one breast produces more than the other? How can this be corrected?
- Why don’t I get much milk when I pump, but my baby seems to be satisfied?
- How to listen to and understand your baby’s cues.