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Pam Caldwell

Pam, I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for you and all you do!  My little girl has lots of trouble sleeping and the non-alcohol Goodnight Tincture and Teething Tincture are our saviors! After she was born, I was doing really well emotionally but the last couple of months felt myself falling into depression and heightened anxiety. I do all the usual vitamins and supplements for it, and started taking my placenta (which I’d saved just in case!), but it wasn’t enough and I’ve been struggling so much. I decided to add Happy Day Tincture and Vitex, and within a week started feeling a significant shift. It’s not perfect yet but I feel some hope and like there’s definitely been a turn around.  Thank you for all you do and the products you create with such care. So much love, N.R.