
Anti-Histimines and breast milk production

Spring is the time of allergies for many, breastfeeding moms included. The common approach is to take an anti-histimine to help alleviate your suffering. You may not know, however, that these antihistimines can also decrease or dry up breastmilk!  These medications are made to dry up secretions and fluids - it will not differentiate between the different body fluids and will commonly decrease breastmilk production.  So keep this in mind if you're thinking of resorting to those anti-histimines!


A friend introduced me to this herbal line during my second trimester, I started using Pregnancy Tea Plus Tincture during the last six weeks of my pregnancy. I used the Labor Tincture at the hospital.  I got to the hospital at 1:30am, and was 3cm. My baby was born at 4:30am. I credit the tinctures for helping to move things along. The After Birthing Ease Tincture helped with those uterine contractions that happen after birth (baby number 4 so they were intense).  I’ve been using Blessed Thistle Tincture to help with milk production. I use the Rescue Remedy for me and my kids. I swear by these products!!!  H.N.J.